Sunday, 25 April 2010

I give up (or, Return of the Destructo-Bot)

Last night, a friend of mine asked, "So, I guess that catnip has been completely destroyed, huh?"

"No," I blithely replied. "Actually, it still has some little green leaves. I transplanted it into the ground today and hopefully it will be okay."

Well, apparently the universe disagreed.


We woke up this morning to find that something had ripped the catnip out of the ground. Seriously, this is what it looked like when we found it. Dug up, ripped out, roots exposed to the wind and rain. Honestly, it doesn't get any more violent than this (not in gardening, anyway).

And, so. I give up, I wave the white flag, I ... whatever. The neighbourhood cats can eat my bleeding-hearts instead. Those are poisonous.

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear. I was hoping that there would be more days for your little catnip plant, but it seems as though it's time here has been viciously cut short. That is some serious plant carnage.
