Now, I am still going to post about gardening, but it is less good:
This used to be a happy catnip.
Last week, while we were doing our recycling and things in the backyard, both of the cats looked like they were tempted to run outside (and then one of them did). So I decided that I would plant some catnip after all, to lure them to a specific spot outside if they ever escape. (A friend of mine swears by this for her cat.)
Now, both of our cats are obsessed by catnip. We bought one of those little fleecy toys that are stuffed with dried catnip at the One of A Kind Show, and they just about destroyed the plastic bag (and shoved hard cover books off the table) in order to get to it. So, after buying the plant, I decided to put it outside so that it wouldn't be mauled by our cats.
Well. I'm fairly certain that it wasn't mauled by our cats. Unless they've figured out the door lock mechanism (and then we're in much bigger trouble than catnip destruction.)
I checked on it yesterday. I did not take any pictures because I didn't think anyone would be interested in a picture of catnip, but take my word for it: it was a happy plant. It had already straightened out (it had been a bit bent from the nursery) to maybe 8 or 10 inches high, and had a lot of healthy, green foliage. It liked being in my garden.
This morning, I looked out the window and couldn't see it, so I went outside and found it dashed on its side, about a foot away from its perch, and shredded leaves all around. Almost all of the leaves have been torn off the plant and, as you can see, most of the stems have been broken, too. Even the little ones near the crown look trampled.
As Pd put it when I texted him in woe this morning: "Wow. Somewhere in our neighbourhood is a very stoned cat."
Wow. Or maybe there's a whole group of really stoned cats who will soon be out looking for munchies!