Friday, 18 January 2013

new(ish) blog

I keep starting posts, and then not actually posting them, because everything I want to say doesn't really seem ... relevant. (What counts as "relevant" in a blog-o'-random like this one is beyond me.) I am changing up the look/template, again, because I never really did warm to the dynamic one — it's a nice idea graphically but it sort of fell down in the usability department — and ... well, it's January, and January and September are usually when I want to change everything up, so. But I haven't had much time to actually sit down and consider and play with things, so I don't actually know what I want, nor do I know how to accomplish it.

(Man. I kind of miss the old HTML days ... you know, like ten years ago? When you could bung a blog together with HTML and a smattering of CSS and it looked reasonably decent? Okay, that was more like maybe fifteen years ago, but whatever. Now everything is all fancy and I'm stuck using Blogger templates because I am too lazy to learn Wordpress.)

All this is to say that I am going to start blogging more regularly, starting with the Christmas thing soon, because I don't think there's any call to make any more Christmas posts after, say, this week. It should have been done by now but I'm having trouble with my iPhoto and Picasa and all that. (Man. I miss Flickr, too, although I guess that's still around.) My MacBook Air is having difficulties. It's first- or second-generation, which is to say that it's a few years old, and it's lovely but honestly I never should have bought it; I don't travel that much and I take too many photographs. So now iPhoto takes about 50% of all of the available memory and it's sluggish and generally cranky. That's another reason why I stopped blogging consistently; taking the photographs was fine but actually getting them off the camera and then into various other forms was just too time-consuming and grumpifying. That's another resolution for the new year, I guess: make it less grumpifying. Make me less grumpy, generally. I'm sure others would appreciate that.

Anyway. I am going to try to get photographs to catch up with all of this writing, and then start posting again. That's the plan, anyway. You can even call it a resolution, if you like — although I, personally, wouldn't. I would totally cave under the pressure.

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