So ... lately, I have been thinking about taking up quilting. Which is stupid, and insane. I do not need another hobby, especially not one that lets me have a giant, ever-growing stash. (I already have two of those. Check.) Also, I really, really hate the sewing machine. A few years ago, a friend of mine and I took some sewing classes. She's a great seamstress (she was, even before the class) — and she always finds the cutest patterns and makes the most adorable clothes, so it seemed like a good idea to go with her. We took two 6-week classes. The first one, which I really enjoyed, we learned to use the sewing machine and made a messenger bag, which I still use and love. The second one, slightly more advanced, we learned to use a serger — and that is in the loosest sense of the word "learn" only, because all I really did manage to do was cut up pieces of my laboriously-traced fabric. Repeatedly. And then I forgot that I was supposed to have taken the grain of the fabric into account before cutting, and I had to
make up the dimensions of some of the pieces because the sizing didn't go as small as I am (granted, I am abnormally midget-sized), so by the end of the class I was only halfway into the stupid project and it is now in a little ball crammed into the back of my closet. I didn't want to finish it anyway. The pants looked stupid.
So maybe quilting is not the best idea (unless I can somehow make a bag out of it; apparently I'm okay with that). But quilts are so pretty! I actually don't like them as a bedspread — I love my white duvet — but as a dash of colour they're gorgeous. And so nice to snuggle up to. Here's a nice one I found on Etsy (click on the picture to go to the listing):

Wouldn't this look lovely spread on a white bed?
Go for it! Quilting won't give you the sizing issues you had with garment sewing. And that quilt looks like it would be all straight seams -- time-consuming, but not hard. You could do French seams instead of serging.
ReplyDeleteYOU are ENABLING. Also, I have no idea what the last bit means. :)
ReplyDeleteWe shall see. If I do decide to do it — are you up for some fabric stash enhancement when you're in town?