Monday, 2 November 2009

A new beginning

So it turns out, and this probably won't come as a surprise to anyone, that I am crap at updating regularly. Thing is, I am both a little bit obsessive and easily distracted. Which means that I will do something very intently for a few weeks and then move on to something else, which is a problem if I've already started a blog writing about the first something, since I'm no longer doing it in an obsessive kind of way. I no longer, for instance, manage to finish a complicated sock pattern in a week. Now it takes me two — but really only because I've moved on to sweaters. Or printmaking (not with yarn). You see?

So my solution, this time, is not to start a blog about knitting sweaters, or printmaking, or whatever else I happen to be doing; my solution now is to just write about everything in one place. Specifically, this place. This means that I will no longer have three separate blogs about three separate topics, and also makes it likelier that I will update more than semi-annually. These are good things.

And now, let me give you a photo and a question:


A friend recently visited our apartment and, while standing in front of these very bookshelves, asked if I still bought physical books. This picture encompasses roughly a third of the collection crammed into our little 800 sq.ft. apartment, so let me ask you:

Does this really look like the library of a girl who doesn't buy books?

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