It's not very auspicious, is it, to start off the new year by leaving my blog untended for more than a week — however, there it is. My only defense is that the first week back to work after 10 days of faffing off were rather stunning (in the literal sense). We have had two large parties since then — a New Year's Day Recovery party (which was exactly as it sounds), and a birthday party for me (er — ditto). I am now partied out, and so are the cats.
I was going to do a Christmas post, but the holidays seem like a lifetime ago. And really it wasn't terribly interesting — fun, but quiet. I also turned 30 last week, which sort of superceded the whole holiday thing (I mean. My birthday happens after Christmas every year, inevitably, but usually it gets overshadowed by the glitz. This year was different, because 30 is special — or so I was told. I am still waiting for my tiara).
The most cogent things about turning 30 is that I don't actually feel any different than I did two weeks ago, and that I now have a new pet project, thanks to my brother-in-law. I'll give you a clue:

Lots of points if you can figure out which specific kit it is. (There are indications, in that photo.) It has now entirely replaced the garter stitch blanket in my consciousness, which probably bodes ill for getting said blanket done any time in this new decade.
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