Yes, there is snow there. (Picture taken through a window; hence the blurriness.)
Now, here's the question: he gave me some peony rootballs. We've had some overnight frost in Toronto, but also daytime temperatures approaching 10 degrees (Celsius) — do you think it's too late to plant them?
Or, even if it might be too late, should I plant them anyway and hope for the best? (Does it make a difference that these were outside until recently, and so have hardened to cold already?)
And if I shouldn't plant them because they really do have no chance ... what on earth should I do with them? ("Compost" is not an option.)
In other news, I managed to do something to my thumb while bouldering yesterday; I'm not exactly sure what, but it hurts (and it was bleeding). It's amazing what one needs the left thumb for. Here's a list I've compiled so far: opening shampoo and hair conditioner bottles, clipping fingernails, doing up buttons, pulling up zippers on boots, knitting, holding a book open to read. Funnily enough, typing is not on the list (yet).
Yes, I am having a difficult day.
Plant them! ASAP. Assuming that you don't mind the risk of losing them. Plant them so that the lumpy part of the root sticks up just a tiny bit above the level of the soil, then cover them up with lots of mulch. You can use whatever you have lying around (like, say, leaves!). Based on what I have been told about transplanting peonies, they may look sad for a very long while--even all of next year--but they will eventually recover and be beautiful. I am hoping that this is true, because I planted peonies earlier this summer, when I oughtn't have, and they looked dead all summer, and only started to recover in the fall.