It's October! ... which means that magazines, which have this strange tendency to run ahead, are in November mode, which means that the Style at Home that arrived at my house on Friday was all about entertaining. At Christmas.
I'm just going to let that percolate for a while.
Anyway, point is, it's October! I'm very grateful for the chill, because all the best cooking happens when it's cold (think about it; you'll realise it's true). Last Sunday I cooked up a storm; I made Marcella Hazan's bolognese sauce, which I cribbed from my brother-in-law many Christmases ago (see? percolating), and a risotto from the Earth to Table cookbook (above). It sounds terribly busy and complicated, but it really isn't; it took about two solid hours in the kitchen, and then some sporadic visits to stir the sauce, but that's it. Even the risotto was dead simple, now that I know what I'm doing.
This weekend, we are tentatively going to make ravioli using the leftover stuffing from the time I made stuffed zucchini. (Very yummy, takes about an hour, too, but very messy.)
There is nothing better than filling the house with yummy smells while it's cold and wet outside. (And yes, my cold is mostly better.)
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