Tuesday, 18 March 2014

100 days


It's been 100 days, more or less, since I abandoned this blog. I know this, because it's been 100 days, more or less, since I officially became a mother of two. The Kidlet wasn't due until late January, which the more perceptive among you will know was significantly less than 100 days ago. So, yes: much like her sister, the Kidlet was early and unexpected. That seems to be a thing that happens, particularly to me.

I won't bore you with the details. Suffice it to say that, in the last 100 days, the following happened: I became a mommy to a premature infant (again), Christmas came and went, ditto my birthday, the Spanish Inquisition started preschool and the aforementioned premature infant was referred to SickKids. It wasn't serious — somewhere between a clogged tear duct and, say, cancer — but it did require surgical intervention, which is just a fancy way of saying brain surgery, which ... there is no easy way to say "my newborn is having brain surgery" without causing a lot of fuss. Try it and see. So everyone was duly panicked and worried, but we're getting better, now. It did mean, too, that the Kidlet has spent more time in the hospital than out of it, in her short life, and that's unfortunate. We're working on fixing that.

So that's the last 100 days. We're not out of the woods yet, Kidlet's health-wise, but the trees are clearing and we can see sunlight. And it means that I can start blogging again, and I plan to, although I'm going to have to cast about for subjects, because — remember that cardigan that I was working on last time we met?

Still working on it.

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