Last weekend, we went to High Park to look at the cherry blossoms. We'd never actually been before. We think that it's one of those things that Torontonians never get around to unless goaded by a visitor — sort of like the CN Tower.
Anyway, the blossoms were open, but it was cold, and there were many, many people — much more than I expected. Apparently cherry blossoms are a "thing." (I think I much prefer the Japanese tradition of laying out a picnic underneath the cherry trees. Here, everyone sort of milled around with their eyes glued to the viewfinder — much less picturesque, and it seemed to miss the point a little, somehow.)

At any rate, it confirmed what I already knew before: cherry blossoms are very pretty, but magnolias are orders of magnitude better. Intrinsically.
(Pd still won't let me pull out the Saskatoon berry to plant a magnolia tree. Sad.)
I was there with Andrew on Saturday while Jamie was playing an epic game at Yuval's, so wasn't able to take any pictures. Too bad we missed each other! I enjoyed the cherry blossoms briefly, and Andrew enjoyed running around the zoo and calling every animal there an emu.