They're actually not completely ripe yet (the side hidden from the sun isn't as red as it could be), but I had to take them or abandon them to the slugs. They had, it turns out, already taken a smaller one from a nearby plant. So I plucked them this morning and by tonight they should be ripe enough to eat (!). They're not very big — about an inch long — and the cultivar is the common Ozark Beauty, which is everbearing. This means, of course, that I have another harvest to look forward to — if I can keep the animals away.
(I know; I should have had a net. They ripened faster than I anticipated — only a week or so ago, they were still very small and green. And this first crop was so close to the ground as to the berries literally lying on it, so I'm not sure how much protection I could have given them from the slugs.)
Finally, a sidenote: I think I've discovered what I'm sensitive to in the garden: it's the strawberry leaves. (Not the fruit itself; just the leaves.) Apparently it's not uncommon, and the rash is mild. (It is, however, taking forever to fade — it's still visible on my skin.) Dr Google had a picture and it's definitely the same kind.
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