Wednesday, 28 July 2010

two things

One: our very first rhubarb harvest!


Actually, they're still a bit small to be harvested, so I only took the biggest stalks (because I had promised a friend some for today), and we'll harvest the rest when it's ready (hopefully in about two weeks — we have plans that involve rhubarb then!). We think we may have missed the very first harvest this season — I remember the stalks had been nice and thick (and red) sometime during the June heatwave, and then ... we did nothing. Which I guess also means that we'll have even more rhubarb next year. Actually, there's no guessing involved; I've already located one new plant.

The garden continues to surprise. I discovered a massive stand of garden sage next to our porch, underneath the forsythia, while weeding a week or so ago. And then this weekend we discovered a stand of rosemary intermingled with our lavender. This is in addition to our chives, which are ... everywhere. So now I feel kind of silly worrying about my wee herb strawberry pot, since apparently my garden just springs forth herbs at random. On the other hand: fresh herbs! Everywhere!

Two: we just got a brand new toy. (Well, new to us. Not new-new.)


We'd been thinking about upgrading for a while; the D40 was always a stop-gap measure for me. The primary incentive to upgrade was the lack of autofocus servos on the D40; while manual focusing is fine, it doesn't give us the full pleasure of some of the lenses we've bought. A secondary concern was the addition of LiveView in the D90, which is a fun perk — although I've noticed that I'm so used to using the viewfinder now, I completely forget about LV!

My favourite thing about the camera so far is the almost tactile clunk that the shutter makes as it opens and closes. For some reason, I find the solidity deeply satisfying.

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