As I write this, it is 13 degrees Celsius outside, damp and wet. Yesterday, it was 16 degrees, overcast but relatively dry. Pd was at home with a cold, and the baby was sleeping, so I decided to work out in the garden for a bit. It was still a little too chilly to be doing that much digging, but see what I found:

Tulip buds!
My notes (which is to say, this blog) tell me that they didn't start budding until the third week of March last year. Granted, we had a
real winter last year, and a cold and late spring, but still — two to three weeks ahead of the game is a bit excessive. At any rate, this means that we are on course to have tulips in a month or so, which is a lovely surprise, because I hadn't expected
any: I hadn't planted any bulbs in the fall, and aren't tulips supposed to be annuals in this zone?
(Speaking of plants that aren't hardy in this zone, supposedly: I'm pretty sure my giant rosemary survived, too. What an odd winter we've had.)
The buds above are
Guiseppe Verdi, judging from the distinctive striping, and I've got a clutch of
Carnival de Rio going, as well. I'm not sure about the
Banja Lucas, though — I labelled everything with wooden stakes last year, but as you can see, the labels are not what one might call "legible" any more. So it'll be a surprise.
I'm not sure what this will mean for the razing-of-the-garden plan I was going to implement in a week or two. Is it still a raze if I have to raze
around things?