Today is Voting Day (in Ontario)! Go vote!
/civic duty.
I was going to blog one final time this year about the garden, but it turns out that the photograph I thought I had uploaded ... hadn't. Sometimes that happens, thanks to a bug in iPhoto 9. I keep hoping that Apple will fix it, and they keep ... not. (One day I will write a post about how iPhoto is simultaneously brilliant and profoundly irritating. It's a microcosm of Apple, really: when it works, it's fantastic, but it's an entirely closed loop which is not only incapable of playing well with others, but doesn't actually deign to acknowledge that others — such as, for example, PhotoShop — even exist.)
So, moving on. I will blog about gardening tomorrow. Other parts of my weekend:
On Friday, a friend and I went to the Creativ Festival. It was a lot smaller than I'd anticipated (I had thought it would be three times the size of the Frolic, because you've got knitting
and quilting
and scrapbooking together, but no). Mostly, I went because I wanted to buy some
Habu, which did not work so well (the store had brought only enough of each colour for a scarf, and I was planning on a cowl and a skirt), but I put my name down for mail-order. I don't really need or want the yarn until Christmas, so hopefully that will work out. (Will blog more about Habu when I get some. I've been wanting to try it for a long, long time, but it was only recently that I found out where to get it in Ontario. The yarn itself comes from Japan.)
Lack of Habu aside, we did get to pet some qiviut, and — tentatively — some vicuna, which was so lovely and soft (and $210 a ball, hence the tentative). I think they're really trying to get people hooked onto qiviut as the new (more expensive) cashmere but, soft as it is, I don't think I could bear to knit myself a $150 scarf. It's lovely to pet, though.
We saw a pumpkin-carriage-shaped store display:

I'm not actually sure what they were selling (it wasn't yarn), but the display was neat.
And we also saw this:

Okay, one: knitting and crocheting for breast cancer
research is a good idea, but knitting and crocheting for breast cancer is not. I know that adding "research" makes the sentence kind of long and less catchy, but honestly, "research" is kind of the crucial idea in that sentence. Cancer does not care whether you knit or crochet anything, and it certainly does not give a damn whether or not it is pink. We do not want to support the cancer, we want to
cure it.
Also, the yarn is 100% acrylic, which just seems wrong.
Finally: the end is near for my sock-yarn sweater, and I finally managed to take a proper-ish picture. The colour is even reasonably true.

I have one week to finish a pocket and a half, and then some massive blocking needs to take place. There was a bit of a gauge accident and it's a just a little bit on the small side. I know it's dangerous to rely on blocking to fix it, but it's wearable; it's only tight in one place (the curve of my shoulders) and I am
not going to frog all that stockinette just to add ten stitches to the shoulder. Also, I think Malabrigo Sock tends to block on the looser side. So we shall see.