This is what the back garden looks like right now. What you can't see is the large pile of construction debris that is still waiting to be taken to the transfer station; I decided that no one really needs to see that.
We have a bit of lawn. I don't think that will change. Croquet requires a wee bit of lawn, and I like croquet.
Supposedly the back of the shed at the top of the garden is utterly hidden by a wall of green in the summer. Ivy? Morning glories? Something else? Who knows?
On the right are what I am fairly sure are rose bushes. I don't know what kind, but I was told there's a small bit of rose garden in this yard and that's the only likely shrubbery. On the left, clinging to the shed, is other shrubbery; definitely not roses but otherwise I have no clue.
Right next to the shed is what I am almost certain is rhubarb. The leaves are the right shape and the red tinge is unmistakable. The overall size is a bit small, but that makes sense if they're growing from roots after the winter.
Then there is this:
I have no idea. It's definitely not grass (at least, not the same grass as on the lawn). I initially thought chives, because they tend to come in much earlier in the spring than other plants and these have been around for something like two weeks now. But I don't think that's it.
It's kind of everywhere, though. Nooks and crannies.
I think the lighter shoots may be daylilies or something similar, and I'm almost certain that there are a few tulips in there (there's a clump, in the picture, that looks suspiciously like it), but ... oh, who knows.
Meanwhile, when I got home from work last night, I did a quick inspection of the leaves in the front yard and decided that the little tiny tree was a very young oak.
This morning, in the clearer light of day, I decided that that was utterly idiotic and that the leaves most likely came from the big giant oak tree that lives right across the street.
Which is to say, I have no idea. I know; all I have to do is wait until the buds bloom and then I'll know. But — well, since when was I ever good at waiting?