One more work week! We move on Friday. We are so not ready.
No pictures today because I was too lazy to unload them from the camera on Sunday (read: I was too busy watching the Canadians forget how to play hockey). It's getting harder to remember what was done on which day because drips and drabs are being done on some (but not all) weeknights as well as weekdays, so here's a lowdown on the current progress, room by room:
First floorLiving/dining room: All walls have two coats of paint on them (one specific wall has three). The fireplace is done. The trim and windows have had one coat of paint and need another.
Kitchen: The walls have had one coat, but need another. We're going to wait until the hole in the floor has come and gone before continuing, in case touch-ups are needed. The passthrough painting is done.
Foyer and hall, including wall leading up the stairs: Done and done: two coats of crisp, white paint, and it looks
so much better and brighter. Trim needs to be done, though.
Second floorHallway: Done: two coats of a beautiful vintage colour of blue with a dash of grey. It painted on baby blue. I admit I panicked. It's infinitely better now that it's dry, although I still do not regret not painting the foyer this colour. I love the contrast with the white.
Master bedroom: The ceiling and trim have both had one coat of paint and need another. The walls have
not been done at all and still need to be given a once-over with Polyfill in hand. No new walls here, though, so no priming needed. This is going to be our priority going forward so that we won't have to sleep in paint fumes once we move in.
Second bedroom: Ceiling and walls have both had two coats of an adorable green paint and look beautiful. Trim still needs to be done, though. Very celebratory about this.
Den: Carpet has been pulled up, but walls and ceiling still need to be sanded and mudded at least one more time. We
may be able to get it all primed and even a single coat of paint in, but we're anticipating that it won't be finished before the move.
Sunroom: This is a disaster zone. The grotty carpeting is still there, as are all the tools are top of it. Ooh, I have a picture of that! This is a few days old, but it still looks basically the same:

Less wood and more tools there now, I think. It will need a new insulated subfloor, then laminate on top, after which it needs to be painted because it gets a lot of light and the old paint job was really, really badly done. (I can still see the cedar panelling through the paint.
That's how badly done it was.) This is going to happen after the move, no question, but hopefully soon after — this is where the books are going to go and I have a lot of boxes of those I'd like to unpack.
Bathroom: Well. The bathroom currently has: a tub, walls, a plywood floor, a working toilet, one coat of mudding on the new drywall, and plumbing hookup. It currently does
not have: tiling on the floor, an additional two coats of mudding on the new drywall, tiling on the tub surround, new potlights in the ceiling, a sink, a vanity, glass on top of the half-wall, a towel warmer, or any fixtures.
may get some of those things before the move (I am really hoping that all the tiling will be done), but the sink and vanity — while ordered — are not anticipated to get here until next week. And we haven't ordered the glass yet. So we're looking at an additional two weeks before the bathroom is fully functional, which is ... okay. The new toilet works great. There's a working sink and faucet in the kitchen and a shower stall in the basement, so
technically we have the full complement. Just not, you know, in the same room.
I will admit, though, that moving that wall a mere foot (and taking down the tub wall blocking the window) has made a huge difference to the feel of the room. I know we don't have the vanity in yet, and that that will take up some of the space, but it still feels amazing and great and less teeny tiny crypt-like.
We were going to cut a hole in the floor this weekend to lower our washer/dryer through, but that was cancelled at the last minute due to a snafu by the Home Depot. (We should have anticipated this. They initially tried to deliver the things on
January 20th instead of February, and there was a big to-do and hasty rescheduling over that, and the Home Depot computer system doesn't strike me as the kind of thing that lets you fix mistakes easily.) It has been rescheduled for Tuesday. There is an open call for manly men to help.
(Unmanly men are welcome, too, as are women, but I make absolutely no guarantees that you won't be relegated upstairs to help me paint. I would actually be very grateful if you were, to be honest, because there's a lot of work there. Also, this is not in any way an implied or explicit endorsement of current gender norms. It is, instead, a bow to reality, because you may have noticed that I have not been allowed to help with the building or take-down of walls. This has not been a personal choice, and I am not un-irritated by this.)
So, tonight we paint, tomorrow we open up a hole in the kitchen floor and close it, Wednesday we paint some more, Thursday I pack like a fiend, Friday we move (and terrorize the cats), and Saturday ... Saturday I am thinking about going climbing. And maybe having dinner in a place that doesn't have an order counter and looks at you kind of funny if you try to get take-out.